CRYOcheck™ APCR Positive Control


Heterozygous control for the validation of the assay of resistance to protein C activated by the coagulant method in hemostasis.

Quality control plasmas are collected from a donor confirmed heterozygous for the Factor V Leiden mutation by molecular biology and not having anticoagulant therapy.


Resistance to activated protein C (RPCa) is an anomaly described by Dahlbäck in 1993.
Bertina discovered in 1994 the presence of a mutation in the factor V (FV) gene.
This mutation leads to the replacement at position 506 of an arginine by a glutamine (Arg506Gln), which affects one of the sites of cleavage of FV by PCa.
As a result, FV "resists" inactivation by PCa. The mutated FV is referred to as FV Leiden. This factor V loses its function as a cofactor of the protein C system, that is to say of a system which inhibits coagulation; on the other hand, it retains its procoagulant properties. There are other cases of mutations related to the resistance of activated protein C.



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Chronometric assay


APCR-05Kit25 x 0.5 mL