Previously called antithrombin III (abbreviated AT III), human antithrombin is one of the major physiological inhibitors of coagulation.
A natural serine protease inhibitor, antithrombin acts mainly on thrombin (IIa) and activated Factor X (FXa), as well as on activated forms of Factors IX, XI and XII.
This reaction is catalyzed by heparin. The normal level of antithrombin is between 80 and 120% in adults and it is about half in newborns.
Antithrombin deficiency predisposes to thrombosis.
The Technochrom® ATIII method is based on the inhibition of an excess but constant amount of thrombin by the heparin-antithrombin complex and then by the hydrolysis of a chromogenic substrate by the residual thrombin.
The amount of para-nitroaniline released during this hydrolysis and measured at 405 nm is inversely proportional to the concentration of antithrombin present in the reaction medium. (Specialized hemostasis)
- Linearity is between 0% and 130% Kinetic method for hemostasis analyzer
- All components can be purchased separately
- After reconstitution 4 weeks stability at room temperature
- 1 vial x reagent A2 (43 IU thrombin / vial)
- 1 vial x reagent Th-1 (10 µmol / vial of chromogenic substrate)
- 2 vials x 0.9% sodium chloride (25 mL)