Coagulation Control N


Lyophilized plasmas


Control plasma for specialized quantitative assays for normal activity.

The Coagulation Control N control is normal for all the specialized parameters indicated in hemostasis.
Titrated for the following parameters:  PT / aPTT, Fibrinogen / Thrombin Time, Factor II, Factor V,- Factor VII, Factor VIII (Chromogenic and Clotting), Factor IX, Factor X, Factor XI, Factor XII, Factor XIII act. and FXIII Ag, Prekallikrein, Kininogen, VWF : Ag / VWF : CBA, VWF : Ristocétin Coef, C1-Inhibitor, AT activity, PC act.chrono. and chromo. / PC Ag, Free PS Ag.

Access on the manufacturer's website TECHNOCLONE

Presentation Vial 
Format 5 x 1.0 mL  
Presentation Vial 
Format 50 x 1.0 mL  
Price list, safety data sheets and notices are accessible to our registered customers.
Reference PresentationFormat Quote Product sheet
4-5020040Vial5 x 1.0 mL
4-5020050Vial50 x 1.0 mL
Price list, safety data sheets and notices are accessible to our registered customers.