Human platelet Factor-4

Formulation : 25 mM HEPES, 2 M NaCl, pH 7.4

MW(Da) : 29 000
Extinction coef. : 2.6
Determination of activity: neutralization with heparin
Isoelectric point: 7.6
Structure: homotetramer (approx. 7800 da)


Platelet factor 4 (PF4) is a peptide monomer of 70 amino acids (MW 7800 Da). PF4 is released from activated platelet alpha granules in a tetrameric form complexed with platelet proteoglycan. On release, the half-life of PF4 is very short, less than 5 minutes, because it quickly binds to glycosaminoglycans in the endothelial cells where it is stored. PF4 possesses potent anti-heparin activity by binding to it, forming a stochiometric complex, where 1 mg of PF4 will inhibit 27 IU of heparin.


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9-HPF4-0180Vial100 µg
9-HPF4-0180-1Vial1 mg