FV Immunodepleted Deficient Human Plasma


Plasma deficient for Factor V assay.

Plasma frozen, immunodepleted, poor in platelets and certified to have less than 1% in FV.
It is deficient in both antigenic and functional assay.


- No bovine additives
- No reconstitution error
- No plasma alteration linked to freeze-drying
- Cryotubes ready to use after thawing (4 min at 37°C).


Factor V (FV) is a protein mainly synthesized by the liver. It is the enzymatic cofactor of FX and is activated in FVa by thrombin and / or FXa.
With FXa, it forms a complex which, in the presence of phospholipids and calcium, activates FII into thrombin.
The FVa is neutralized by the PCa. Its plasma half-life is 12 to 36 hours.


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Fresh Frozen Plasmas


6-FDPFVBottle1 x 100 mL
6-FDPFV-10Kit10 x 1.0 mL