Factor IX Inhibitor Plasma Negative Control


Nijmegen Bethesda Controls


Factor IX deficient plasmas without Factor IX inhibitor.
This plasma can be used for the negative control of the determination of Factor IX (FIX) inhibitor according to the Bethesda assays or modified Nijmegen Bethesda assays.

Factor IX Inhibitor Plasma Negative Control is made from a pool of Factor IX deficient (<1%) human plasma.
It does not contain any specific natural inhibitor directed against the activity of Factor IX (FIX).

Presentation Vial 
Format 25 x 0.5 mL 
Price list, safety data sheets and notices are accessible to our registered customers.
Reference PresentationFormat Quote Product sheet
6-1950-05Vial25 x 0.5 mL
Price list, safety data sheets and notices are accessible to our registered customers.